Thank you for attending our Gubernatorial Candidates Forum on Entrepreneurship

Hosted by Spur Impact in conjunction with the 2024 MILLSUMMIT leadership conference

Other Partners and Supporters

In conjunction with the 2024 MILLSUMMIT leadership conference in August, Spur Impact hosted a public forum to hear from the candidates for Governor of Delaware. This moderated discussion focused on topics and questions related to entrepreneurship as they will relate to the next administration.

This event was free and livestreamed. Registered attendees shared questions or topics related to business and entrepreneurship in Delaware in advance and these questions were incorporated into the discussion during the forum.

Thank you to the 2024 Candidates for Delaware Governor:

  • Hon. Bethany Hall-Long, Delaware Lieutenant Governor (Attended)

  • Hon. Matt Meyer, New Castle County Executive (Attended)

  • Bobby Williamson, Businessman (Attended)

  • Hon. Mike Ramone, House Minority Leader, Delaware General Assembly (Unable to attend)

  • Collin O'Mara, CEO, National Wildlife Federation (Invited)

  • Jerry Price (Invited)

Co-Moderated By:

Ahead of the forum, leaders from Spur Impact, the MILLSUMMIT leadership team, and other volunteers supporting the event worked with the moderators to incorporate as many questions as submitted to be discussed among the candidates, subject to the time limitation of the event. The questions were not shared with the candidates in advance. Due to time constrains, not all of the questions were covered during the forum but the 12 questions for the candidates were shared with them and members of the press after the event.

The event was livestreamed and shared as broadly as possible during and following the event, particularly among those organizations that train, educate, and connect with entrepreneurs throughout the Delaware ecosystem.

Press coverage of the gubernatorial forum on entrepreneurship

Mark Fowser, 3 candidates for Governor join forum devoted to entrepreneurship (WDEL, July 24, 2024)

Sarah Petrowich, Three Delaware governor candidates talk entrepreneurship; here are the major takeaways (Delaware Public Media, July 23, 2024)